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Our initial endeavor involved the conceptualization, creation, and production of distinctive and optimal lens hoods intended for Nikon Rangefinder Camera Lenses, including those with Leica Thread Mount (LTM) versions.


The latter section comprises list of Nikkor Rangefinder S Mount / LTM lenses, and its filter diameter sizes, along with indications of the compatible OLJ' Original Lens Hood for each lens. 


Type of Lens and Latin Alphabets 

The array of lenses crafted for the Nikon rangefinder system is notably extensive. The frequent updates over time may have contributed to the proliferation of variations. Considering that the company commenced applying lens coatings as early as 1945, it's reasonable to assume that all Nikkor lenses manufactured for Nikon rangefinder cameras were coated from their inception. Consequently, among the early Nikkor lenses tailored for rangefinder cameras, you might come across instances where a red 'C' follows the initial letter, indicating "coated" (as exemplified by my Nikkor-N.C 5cm F1.1 lens pictured below). We hereby clarify the significant letter following "Nikkor".


A lens can be distinguished by examining the identification ring positioned at the lens's front. This ring displays crucial lens specifications, including "Nippon Kogaku," focal length, lens speed, and the term 'Nikkor,' succeeded by a pair of letters. The initial letter serves to classify the lens type, distinguishing between wide-angle and telephoto or signifying the quantity of lens elements through the Latin alphabet. This letter essentially encodes the count of lens elements incorporated within the optical arrangement. For instance, the Nikkor N.C in above photo indicated 9 elements with coating.  Interestingly, this identification convention endured for numerous Nikkor lenses designed primarily for Nikon reflex single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, and it persisted until the year 1974.

U (Uns) for 1 element 
B (Bini) for 2 elements 
T (Tres) for 3 elements 
Q (Quatour) for 4 elements 
P (Pente) for 5 elements 
H (Hex) for 6 elements  
S (Septem) for 7 elements 
O (Octo) for 8 elements 
N (Novem) for 9 elements 
D (Decem) for 10 elements


Nikkor Lenses with Leica Thread Mount (39mm Screw)

Wides Angle Lens

W-Nikkor 2.5cm F4 - filter diameter - 34.5mm, OLJ Type 5

​W-Nikkor-C 2.8cm F3.5 -filter diameter - 34.5mm, OLJ Type 5

W-Nikkor 3.5cm F1.8 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3

W-Nikkor 3.5cm F2.5 - filter diameter - 34.5mm, OlJ Type 5

W-Nikkor-C 3.5cm F3.5 - filter diameter - 34.5mm, OLJ Type 5

Normal Lens

Nikkor-N.C 5cm F1.1 - filter diameter - 62mm, OLJ Type 2

Nikkor-S.C 5cm F1.4 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3

Nikkor-H.C 5cm F2 - filter diameter - 40.5mm

Nikkor Q.C 5cm F3.5 - filter diameter - 34.5mm, OLJ Type 5

Nikkor 8.5cm F1.5 - filter diameter - 58mm

Telephoto Lens

Nikkor-P.C 8.5cm F2 - filter diameter - 48mm, OLJ Type 1

Nikkor 10.5cm F2.5 - filter diameter - 52mm

​Nikkor-Q 13.5cm F3.5 = filter diameter - 40.5mm

Vintage Nikkor Lenses with S Mount 

Wides Angle Lens

W-Nikkor 2.1cm f4 - filter diameter - 43 mm, OLJ Type 3
W-Nikkor 2.5cm f4 - filter diameter - N
o filter​/two pin type
W-Nikkor 2.8cm f3.5 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3
W-Nikkor 3.5cm f1.8 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 1
W-Nikkor  3.5cm f2.5 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3
W-Nikkor 3.5cm f3.5 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3

Normals Lens
Nikkor 5cm f1.1 - filter diameter - 62mm,
OLJ Type 2
Nikkor 5cm f1.4 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3
Nikkor 50mm f1.4 Olympic - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3
Nikkor 5cm f1.5
- filter diameter =  40.5mm
Nikkor 5cm f2 - filter diameter - 40.5mm
Nikkor 5cm f3.5 micro - filter diameter - 34.5mm, OLJ Type 5

Telephoto Lens
Nikkor-S.C 8.5cm f1.5 - filter diameter - 60
Nikkor-P. C 8.5cm f2 - filter diameter - 48mm, OLJ Type 1
Nikkor-C 10.5cm f2.5 - filter diameter - 52mm
Nikkor 10.5cm f4 - filter diameter - 34.5mm, OLJ Type 5
Nikkor 13.5cm f3.5 - filter diameter - 43 mm, OLJ Type 3
Nikkor 13.5cm f4 - filter diameter - 40.5mm

odern Nikkors
W-Nikkor 3.5cm f1.8 2005 - filter diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3
Nikkor 50mm f1.4 Millenium - diameter - 43mm, OLJ Type 3


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​@2017  Old Lens Junikies and Zblossom are registered brands owned by Star Products Company Limited

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